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MarketData Request — 4.0%

Subscribing to Streaming Data The T4 FIX API provides (optional) subscriptions to streaming market data for all markets available in order routing. Market data is made available asynchronously and concurrently to order routing flow. The market data subscriptions are active during a FIX Session. They are initiated by Market Data Request messages (Tag 35=V). A Market Data Request is a general request for streaming of market data quotes on specific securities. [...]

Execution Report — 3.3%

Order State and Execution The Execution Report message (MsgType=8) is used by the T4 FIX API to electronically notify execution events and order state changes. The following areas are covered by the T4 FIX API Execution Reports: * Confirm the receipt of an order. * Confirm changes to an existing order (i.e. accept, cancel requests and cancel replace requests). * Relay order status changes. [...]

Logon — 2.9%

If at anytime you require assistance from CTS you must send in your FIX messages to T4.API@plus500.com . Our API support will not answer if the messages aren't delimited in a reasonable way for readability Session Initiation After a successful SSL connection, the T4 FIX API basic requirement is to have both the Initiator and Acceptor start with sequence number 1. The client will initiate [...]

MarketData Snapshot — 2.6%

Describing Market Data The T4 FIX API support streaming of market data with the Market Data Snapshot message (Tag 35=W). The Market Data Snapshot messages are used as the response to a Market Data Request message. It can be used to transmit a list of quotes, a list of trades, index values, opening, closing, settlement, high, low, the trade volume or open interest for a security, or any combination of [...]

T4 FIX API — 2.5%

This document outlines how to use the T4 FIX API 4.0 of Plus500US Futures Technologies, LLC. The T4 FIX API conforms to the Financial Information eXchange (FIX) Protocol with minor improvements and customizations as presented herein. T4 FIX API applications cannot be run simultaneously [...]

Collateral Inquiry — 2.3%

Application Management Beyond order routing, the T4 FIX API provides additional functionalities to query and manage positions, orders and accounts. The Collateral Inquiry message (MsgTyp=BB) is the cornerstone of (non-routing) application management. If the requests are successful, Collateral Inquiries result in responses from the T4 FIX API server with Execution Reports , Collateral Reports [...]

TraderLogon — 2.3%

Multiple Traders Under an established FIX Session, multiple traders/users can be authenticated with the Trader Logon message. Trader Logons allow order routing for multiple traders under the same physical connection of the FIX Session. Trader Logons must follow the successful FIX Logon of the initial Master User. To enter Multi-Trader mode, the Master User must explicitly request it as an option on the FIX Logon with [...]

AutoOCO Order — 2.2%

An AutoOCO (Automatic One Cancels Other) consists of three components: a Trigger order and the two components of a traditional OCO Order . When the Trigger order is filled, the OCO order (consisting of a Limit order and a Stop order) is activated and consequently submitted to the exchange. An AutoOCO Order is submitted with the New Order List (Tag 35=E) message. For the OCO with Contigency Type of AutoOCO (Tag 1385=2), the Limit price is entered as a differential (delta) value [...]

Collateral Report — 2.2%

[...] positions, account updates, account permissions and account balances. Reports are generated as the result of the following events or requests: * Listing Account Details for a connected User * Account Subscription Requests * Account Updates * Account Position Updates * Account and Exchange notifications * User/Trader Information Requests Responding to the Request to List User Accounts A Collateral Inquiry request for a list of accounts (MsgType=BB with Tag 263=0) returns Collateral Reports for each account the user has access to. [...]

TraderLogonResponse — 2.1%

Logon Traders Under an established FIX Session, multiple traders/users can be authenticated with the Trader Logon message. Trader Logons allow order routing for multiple traders under the the same physical connection of the FIX Session. Trader Logons must follow the successful FIX Logon of the initial Master User. The FIX API responds to Trader Logons with the Trader Logon Response message. [...]

TraderLogoutResponse — 2.1%

Logging out Traders Under an established FIX Session, multiple traders/users can be authenticated with the Trader Logon message. Trader Logons allow order routing for multiple traders under the the same physical connection of the FIX Session. Trader Logons must follow the successful FIX Logon of the initial Master User. A trader that has been successfully authenticated with a Trader Logon can be logged out by the Master User with a Trader Logout [...]

TraderLogout — 1.9%

Logging out Traders Under an established FIX Session, multiple traders/users can be authenticated with the Trader Logon message. Trader Logons allow order routing for multiple traders under the the same physical connection of the FIX Session. Trader Logons must follow the successful FIX Logon of the initial Master User. A trader that has been successfully authenticated with a Trader Logon can be logged out by the Master User with the Trader Logout [...]

Security Definition — 1.8%

[...] Defining Instruments The Security Definition message (Tag 35=d) is used to define the characteristics of exchanges, contracts and specific instruments (markets). The T4 FIX API returns this message as a result of queries performed with the Security Definition Request message. The Security definition message includes a complete description of securities by providing Exchange identifier, Contract identifier, Market identifier, [...]

MarketData Incremental Refresh — 1.6%

Describing Market Data The T4 FIX API supports streaming of market data with the Market Data Incremental Refresh message (Tag 35=X) alongside MarketData Snapshot messages (Tag 35=W). Market Data Incremental Refresh messages are responses to a Market Data Request message with a Subscription Request Type of Snapshot + Updates_Incremental (Tag 263=7). They carry step-by-step changes to the depth book without having to transmit the complete depth information [...]

Spark Order — 1.4%

A Spark Order is a multiple-component (batch) order that consists of a Trigger order and contingent Related orders. When a Spark order is submitted, the trigger order is sent to the market while the Related orders are suspended (held). When the trigger component is traded, the Related components are all activated and sent to the exchange to work independently of each other. The Spark's Related components are labeled with an Activation Type of Queue (Tag 10102=6). A Spark Order is submitted with the New Order [...]

Security Definition Request — 1.4%

[...] Requests To receive Security Definitions as responses to Security Definition Requests, the initiating FIX session Logon message must have Tag 372 (RefMsgType) set to "c" (i.e. Enable security definitions requests). Security definition requests that are not enabled will be rejected with a Security Definition containing a SecurityResponseType of Reject Security Proposal (Tag 323=5). Definition of Securities The T4 FIX API [...]

Reject — 1.3%

Message Rejection FIX Session rule violations are manifested through the Reject message. The receipt of a Reject message signals a serious violation of FIX Session rules. Appropriate action must immediately be taken by the receiver of a Reject message. A rejected message may be retransmitted by the sending application if a correction is appropriate. The T4 FIX API [...]

Order Cancel Replace Request — 1.3%

Amending Working Orders The Order Cancel-Replace Request message (MsgType=G) is used by the T4 FIX API to electronically amend (i.e. revise) the replaceable fields of working orders. This message is used for all CTS strategy types including outright futures, futures options, spreads and multileg strategies. The instrument (for which the replace applies) is identified with the following tags: Tag 48 (SecurityID), Tag 55 (Symbol) Tag 207 (SecurityExchange) and Tag 167 (SecurityType). [...]

New Order List — 1.3%

[...] Orders with Multiple Components: Batch Orders The New Order List message (MsgType=E) is used by the T4 FIX API to electronically submit (multiple-component) orders to an exchange for execution. Orders with multiple components are also known as Batch Orders. They are identified by its Contingency Type (Tag 1385). Batch orders can only contain (constituent) orders. The New Order List is built by specifying its ContingencyType (Tag 1385), target instrument (Tags 48, 55, 207, 167), account (Tag 1) and by adding each [...]

FIX Basics — 1.2%

The T4 FIX API conforms to the Financial Information eXchange (FIX) Protocol with minor improvements and customizations. Documentation on FIX can be found at http://www.fixprotocol.org . Requirements To develop to the T4 FIX API, you need a dedicated SSL connection to a T4 FIX API [...]

AutoOCOM Order — 1.1%

An AutoOCOM (Automatic One Cancels Other with Multiple Exits ) order consists of three or more components: a Trigger order and multiple components of a traditional OCO Order . When the Trigger order is being filled, multiple OCO orders (consisting of Limit and Stop orders) are activated as the trigger traded volume advances towards the quantity requested for the trigger order. Activation of an OCO component requires passing Risk Assessment, submitting to the exchange and successful [...]

New Order Single — 1.1%

Submitting New Orders The New Order Single message (MsgType=D) is used by the T4 FIX API to electronically submit orders to an exchange for execution. This message is used for all strategy types including outright futures, futures options, spreads and multileg strategies. The instrument for which the order is submitted is identified with the following tags: Tag 48 (SecurityID), Tag 55 (Symbol), Tag 207 (SecurityExchange) and Tag 167 (SecurityType). Options orders must also include the Strike Price (Tag 202) [...]

Order Cancel Request — 1.1%

Canceling Working Orders The Order Cancel Request message (MsgType=F) is used by the T4 FIX API to electronically cancel (i.e. pull) working orders. This message is used for all CTS strategy types including outright futures, futures options, spreads and multileg strategies. The instrument for which the cancel-request is submitted is identified with the following tags: Tag 48 (SecurityID), Tag 55 (Symbol) and Tag 207 (SecurityExchange). In addition to full market specification, all cancel requests must be [...]

Flatten Order — 1.1%

A Flatten order can be used to flatten a current position regardless of what that position is. The T4 FIX API server figures out the volume and Buy/Sell parameters. If a position does not currently exist for the SecurityID (Tag 48) of the submitted flatten order, the order is rejected. A Flatten Order is entered with the New Order Single (Tag 35=D) message. Following are the most relevant tags to build a Flatten order. Tag 40=F OrdType Specifier [...]

Order Status Request — 1.0%

Requesting the Status of an Order The Order Status Request message (MsgType=H) is used by FIX API clients to electronically interrogate the instantaneous state of an order. The OrderId Tag (37) identifies the specific order for which the Order Status Request is submitted. To pinpoint the order's instrument, the SecurityID (Tag 48) and Side (Tag 54) must also be specified. From the client's perspective, the queried order can further be identified with a verbose (# characters >= [...]

Cancel Reject — 0.9%

[...] Rejecting Attempts to Amend or Cancel Orders The Order Cancel Reject message (MsgType=9) is used by the T4 FIX API to electronically reject (failed) attempts to cancel or replace an order. Cancel Rejects are only generated for unsuccessful client side Order Cancel Request , Order Cancel Request or List Cancel Request messages. Unsolicited Cancel Rejects may also be generated for cancel rejects originated from non-T4-FIX-API [...]

Standard Header — 0.8%

[...] (administrative or application) are preceded by a Standard Header. In addition to providing the identification of FIX Session participants, the Standard Header identifies the Message Type (Tag 35), Message Length (Tag 9), Origination times (Tag 52 and Tag 122) and Message Sequence order (Tag 34). The Standard Header also offers additional information on FIX Session authentication, resent messages, duplicated messages and message routing and delivery. Standard Header Dictionary Tag Field Name Req'd Comments 8 BeginString [...]

List Cancel Request — 0.8%

[...] Canceling Orders with Multiple Components The List Cancel Request message (MsgType=K) is used by the T4 FIX API to electronically cancel (i.e. pull) all components of contingent (Batch) orders (e.g. OCO, AutoOCO, Spark). The constituent order components must be in the working or suspended (held) state to result in a successful cancellation. This message is used for all CTS strategy types including outright futures, futures options, spreads and multileg strategies. Identifying the [...]

OCO Order — 0.7%

An OCO (One Cancels Other or Order Cancels Order) consists of a buy limit order below the market and a buy stop order above the market, or a sell limit order above the market and a sell stop order below the market. When one gets filled the other is cancelled. If one is partially filled then the volume on the other is reduced accordingly. An OCO Order is submitted with the New Order List (Tag 35=E) message. Following are the most relevant tags to build an OCO order. Tag 1385=1 ContingencyType Specifier of OCO order type Tag 44 Price [...]

Logout — 0.6%

Session Termination The Logout message requests or indicates the termination of a FIX session. The logout initiator should wait for a response and/or confirmation to the logout condition. This will permit the counterparty to gently close its connection and honor a potential message gap-fill. If the T4 FIX API server initiates a Logout, an issuing physical disconnection will follow. When possible, the T4 FIX [...]

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